Life Comes At You Fast! (Ep 2)

The Journey

We made a careful note of our first value tip. Face critical challenges confidently, fiercely and purposefully. Understand personal whats and whys as you work through your best hows. Enjoy a full, blessed and fun life with those you cherish and love.

We shared the nuggets we gathered along the route and made a few crucial stops, wending smartly through the rain. JP enjoyed the drizzles. Puddy Cat did not. Sweeny seemed none too pleased, judging by the look he kept giving me. I pressed on.

Then we came upon that stranger again, who still hadn’t gone home.
After a while, we paused for a huddle.

Going home isn’t always easy, is it?

Actually, often it is. Quite often it is simply a matter of setting the GPS to Go Home, starting those engines then stepping on the accelerator.

No? Need a ride? 

Sometimes it is simply a matter of asking for a ride.

Ah! The address! Sometimes, we’ve plumb forgotten that address. Is that so? True, this is a wee bit trickier, but nowhere near the realm of impossibility. 

Yes, I know … sometimes untold dangers lurk along these winding roads, even around our brightly lit corners; dangers real and imagined, dangers perpetrated and many quite often perpetuated, dangers that can drop straight out of the blues – plump – square on top of your head – flatten it – ouch – miss the whole damn city and fall on top of you.

Mamamia! Mamamia! Perhaps life isn’t fair. Or is it? Let’s see.


The Mystery

Like you, like me, Peena hardly knows all the dimensions of her dilemma. She was simply trying to get home, and indeed, as we’ve sometimes experienced, life can come around the corner at warp speed. Wham! It probably comes that way at all of us. And not only at us. At our heroes!  At our enemies! Warped or no, that’s life! Isn’t it?

No? Let’s see.

Let’s peek in on Peena; see what she’s up to in our SBL Matchbox Mystery. Let’s see if we might garner a thing or two. Shall we? Perhaps we’ll find a worthwhile tip or clue.

SBL_Ep2_ Life Comes At You Fast!

The Song

Yes it was time for me to have me my song. Sometimes I just have to have a song. Don’t you? 

Now, I don’t know what you were doing just that moment, but I about knocked over chairs trying to click my heels at the end of that song.

The Show

Let’s for a moment watch Tommy, Dawn and Dalton wrestle with some of the SBL issues, see if they have some shared wisdom or  some clue that we might use.

Remember: they are on our journey too. They have no inside scoop, so do not be biased; let your own cabezza work for you. 



The Wrap

So there you have it, my friends. Blogging to you live from the journey, where musicians have spectacular stories and authentic music reaches down deep into me and flowers smile. And don’t you ever forget it, my friend, no matter what who tells you, This is your life; only YOU can live it!

Neville DeAngelou
Contact: MySpace,, FACEBOOK
Category: Life, Entertainment, Blog, Adventure

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